No, we haven’t died! Hiatus explanation

Hey demigods!

I come here on behalf of the entire team of Hecate’s Cabin to provide a clarification about the lack of content this week. We use this past week to put our house in order and make some adjustments in our division of labor to adapt better to the growing demand for content. All this because our greatest desire is to improve the blog for you, demigods, can always find quality content here, either in fanfics, in podcasts, or in any of our posts about Percy Jackson.

We also take our hiatus to prepare a lot of surprises and new things for you, so don’t blink!

#4 Podcast – Tânatos, deus dos Mortos!

Podcast dessa semana: Tânatos!
Deus da Morte! \o/

Ouça ele através do link (se quiser, você pode baixar ele) aqui.

Não deixem de votar no tema da semana que vem!

obs: são 21:38 (31/08)  e estamos com pequenas dificuldades sobre o host da enquete. Assim que o problema for sanado ela será postada no nosso menu lateral, como de costume.

Quick post to thank you all

I just want to thank you all for this 1000 views in our blog, in the name of all Hecate’s Cabin staff! ^^
We have been together for a few weeks, a little more than a month, but this is your achievement as much as ours. We’ll be improving and posting our chapters, and we’ll be always grateful and honored to have you by our side in this journey.
Thank you very much.
– Ghost Writer, Tradutora, Koko, Franky and Irmã

(ps: in the image, left to right: Koko -crying out happiness- Tradutora, Ghost Writer, Irmã and Franky)