Behind the Blog: fanfic!

And Behind the Blog today will talk about the fanfic we are developing. Jokes and nicknames aside, everything you would want to know about our process, inspiration and non-senseness to write our own version of “The House of Hades”.
This time, Ghost Writer and Franky will clarify these doubts!

Koko: How did the idea of fanfic came up?

Ghost Writer: Man, couldn’t you start with a easy one? xD

Franky: Go for it, Ghost! xD

GW: It all started with a conversation between me and Koko. Actually we were talking about the Iron Kingdom’s gunmages (because I had borrowed the book RPG for a friend) and talked about how they were awesome, but very underutilized in the game and such.
I had just read “The Mark of Athena” and “The Demigod Diaries” and suddenly I realized that a gunmage would be pretty damn cool inside the world of Percy Jackson… a child of Hecate with guns! And so was born Morgan… and around it, a story where she could appear.
F: Not to mention the fact that the Ghost Writer has always been a fan of Hecate .

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Por Trás do Blog: Fanfic

E o Por Trás do Blog de hoje vai falar sobre a fanfic que estamos desenvolvendo. Brincadeiras e pseudônimos à parte, tudo o que vocês gostariam se saber sobre o nosso processo, inspiração e falta de noção para escrever nossa propria versão de “A Casa de Hades”.

Dessa vez, Ghost Writer e Franky nos esclarecerão essas dúvidas!
Koko: Como surgiu a ideia da fanfic?
Ghost Writer: Carajos, não dava pra começar com uma mais fácil não? xD
Franky: vai que é tua, Ghost xD
GW: Tudo começou com uma conversa entre eu e a Koko. Na verdade estávamos falando sobre os gunmages de Reinos de Ferro (porque eu tinha emprestado o livro do RPG prum amigo) e falávamos sobre como eles eram awesome, mas muito mal aproveitados no jogo e tal.
Eu tinha acabado de ler “A Marca de Athena” e “Os Diários do Semideus” e de repente percebi que um gunmage seria pra lá de legal dentro do universo de Percy Jackson… um filho de Hecate com armas! E assim nasceu a Morgan… e em torno dela, uma história onde ela pudesse aparecer.

House of Hades – Chapter V – Reyna

It was a dark night with almost no stars in the sky. On the horizon, a simple gray band made it clear that they were close to a big city, in the case, New York. Long Island was a place incredibly beautiful and nice and even away from the beach you could feel the faintest scent of sea air. Inside the closed tent of the war meeting, Reyna would like to be able to think better about what they are discussing, but they had walked in circles in various subjects and advanced uselessly to exhaustion until dawn. The scouts returning gradually, timid, disappointed by a raid without results on the location of Camp Half-Blood. At the camp formed tents of  perfectly homogeneous red and gold  tissue, where banners fluttered majestically with the sea wind, the spirit you saw in the Roman soldiers was not exactly imposing or brave. They were tired from the long trip. Mentally tired of the long absence of tangible results.

When the last member of the council of war left the tent, everything Reyna wanted was sleep. She was at the forefront of the group that would attack Camp Half-Blood, along with his best demigods. However, each negative result of the scouts on the exact location of the campsite made the Praetor ask herself if the lack of results was not a sign from the gods to desist from that raid driven by revenge. She was ready to sleep when she heard a familiar voice from outside the tent, Samantha, the last of the scouts to return that night. Continuar a ler

#4 Podcast – Tânatos, deus dos Mortos!

Podcast dessa semana: Tânatos!
Deus da Morte! \o/

Ouça ele através do link (se quiser, você pode baixar ele) aqui.

Não deixem de votar no tema da semana que vem!

obs: são 21:38 (31/08)  e estamos com pequenas dificuldades sobre o host da enquete. Assim que o problema for sanado ela será postada no nosso menu lateral, como de costume.

Quick post to thank you all

I just want to thank you all for this 1000 views in our blog, in the name of all Hecate’s Cabin staff! ^^
We have been together for a few weeks, a little more than a month, but this is your achievement as much as ours. We’ll be improving and posting our chapters, and we’ll be always grateful and honored to have you by our side in this journey.
Thank you very much.
– Ghost Writer, Tradutora, Koko, Franky and Irmã

(ps: in the image, left to right: Koko -crying out happiness- Tradutora, Ghost Writer, Irmã and Franky)